Downstairs Klahanie

MSP Days!

Make sure to get a good sleep, good breakfast, and be here for your MSP days.


Wednesday, May 2 - Writing Day 1 (all students)

Thursday, May 10 - Writing Day 2 (all students)


Moday, May 13 - Reading Klug's 1st Per

Tuesday, May 14 - Reading Klug's 2nd Per

Wednesday, May 15 - Reading Klug's 6th Per

Thursday, May 16 - Reading Klug's 7th Per


Moday, May 21 - Math Rehberger's 1st Per

Tuesday, May 22 - Math Rehberger's 2nd Per

Wednesday, May 23 - Math Rehberger's 6th Per

Thursday, May 24 - Math Rehberger's 7th Per





(Check with your student to see if they need a new Composition notebook or pencils for the end of the year!)


* 7 composition notebooks  These are used as Interactive note books (INBs) school-wide, so it's likely that you will need one for each class

* hand held pencil sharpener

* several regular - not mechanical - number 2 pencils  Please note that ridiculously cheap pencils tend to fall apart in the sharpener, resulting in much frustration and loss of learning time.

* a few pens in standard blue or black ink

*  Student Planner

* loose leaf standard sized lined notebook paper

* a pocket folder for each class in a 3 ring binder  Please label one folder as "MATH, one as 'LANGUAGE ARTS," one as 'SCIENCE" and one as "SOCIAL STUDIES"

* a supply of pocket tissues for personal use To maximize learning time, when a student needs a tissue he should take it from his backpack, rather than walking across the room to the community tissue box.

* A backpack